Press Releases
Wyden to Host Health Care Town Hall on Wednesday in Salem
Salem, OR - On Wednesday, March 19, 2008, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden will be in Salem to host a community conversation on health care. Wyden, co-sponsor of the bipartisan Healthy Americans Act, is inviting Marion County and other mid-Willamette Valley residents to attend and share their personal experiences and perspective in dealing with the health care system."Health care consistently ranks at the top of the list of issues that concern all Americans," Wyden said. "Hearing the personal … Continue Reading
March 14, 2008
Senators Inouye and Corker Sponsor Healthy Americans Act
Washington DC - The bipartisan Senate effort to fix the nation's ailing health care system grew today as U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Bob Bennett (R-UT) welcomed two key Senate sponsors of the Healthy Americans Act (S. 334). U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI), the Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee and second-most senior member on the Senate Appropriations Committee and U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN), a former mayor, state finance commissioner, and entrepreneur who knows first-hand … Continue Reading
March 12, 2008
Bipartisan Senate-House Resolution Recognizes the Importance of Advance Healthcare Decision-Making
Washington DC - In an effort to encourage all Americans, at all stages of their life, to discuss important end-of-life medical decisions with their loved ones, U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Mike Enzi (R-WY) and U.S Representative Phil Gingrey (R-GA) today introduced a joint-resolution to recognize National Health Care Decisions Day. "It's not easy to talk to a family member or loved ones about what kind of medical care you'd want or not want at the end of your life. Yet everyday … Continue Reading
March 10, 2008
Wyden to hold Town Hall Meetings in Malheur, Baker and Morrow Counties
Portland, OR - U.S. Senator Ron Wyden will host three town hall meetings in two days beginning March 16th. Residents of Malheur, Baker and Morrow and counties are invited to attend the open forums to ask questions and voice their concerns.During his 1996 U.S. Senate campaign, Wyden promised to hold town hall meetings in every Oregon county each year. The events in Ontario, Baker City and Irrigon mark the 11th year of these meetings, which now total over 450.Malheur County Town Hall … Continue Reading
March 05, 2008
Speech: Wyden Addresses America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) 2008 National Policy Forum
Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) delivered the following speech before the America's Health Insurance Plans 2008 National Policy Forum on Wednesday, March 5, 2008.In less than a year, America will watch a new president be sworn into office, and exactly one year from now that new president will be on day 44 of their first 100 days - their so-called "honeymoon" with the public. I don't think that I have to tell you, that for the cause of health care reform, those 100 days will be very important.I … Continue Reading
March 05, 2008
Wyden Urges FAA to Rescind New Rule on Kit Aircraft, Prevent Job Losses in Oregon Aircraft Manufacturing
Washington, D.C. - Oregon Senator Ron Wyden asked the Federal Aviation Administration today to immediately rescind a new rule that threatens kit aircraft manufacturers in Oregon and across the country with reduced sales and worker layoffs."We ask that you immediately rescind the moratorium on new kit evaluations," Wyden said in a letter to Robert A. Sturgell, acting FAA administrator. "Should the FAA proposals go forward, they could significantly affect important employers at a time when the … Continue Reading
March 03, 2008
Wyden Co-Sponsors "21st Century GI Bill"
Washington, D.C. - Arguing that "soldiers who share the same foxhole for the same length of time should get the same benefit," U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) announced his support today for the "Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act" (S.22). Reintroduced late yesterday, the legislation commonly referred to as the "21st Century GI Bill" will provide service members who have served since September 11, 2001 with improved educational benefits similar to those provided to World War … Continue Reading
February 22, 2008
Oregon Medical Association Announces Endorsement of Senator Ron Wyden's Healthy Americans Act
Portland, OR - The 7,300-member Oregon Medical Association today announced its endorsement of Oregon Senator Ron Wyden's Healthy Americans Act that would provide health care to all Americans."The Healthy Americans Act is a bi-partisan bill that provides an opportunity to bring health care policy in the United States in line with the rest of the industrialized world," OMA President Klaus Martin, M.D. said at a joint news conference with Senator Wyden and other OMA officials. "Our endorsement is … Continue Reading
February 14, 2008
Wyden to Host Health Care Town Hall on Wednesday in Medford
Medford, OR - On Wednesday, February 20, 2008, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden will host a community conversation on health care in Medford. Wyden, co-sponsor of the bipartisan Healthy Americans Act, is inviting Southern Oregon residents to attend and share their personal experiences in dealing with the health care system."Health care consistently ranks at the top of the list of issues that concern average Americans," Wyden said. "Hearing the personal experiences of those who deal with today's health … Continue Reading
February 14, 2008
Wyden to Address City Club of Central Oregon on Health Care
Bend, OR - "Now Is the Time to Fix Health Care" is the topic for Senator Ron Wyden's address to the City Club of Central Oregon on Monday, February 18, 2008. Wyden is the author of the Healthy Americans Act, which has gained bipartisan support and is being co-sponsored by Sen. Bob Bennett (R) of Utah. HAA would get employers out of the business of providing health care for their workers, require Americans to buy a basic health insurance policy for themselves, reduce health care costs, slash … Continue Reading
February 14, 2008
Wyden to Hold Town Hall Meeting in Washington County
Portland, OR - U.S. Senator Ron Wyden will host a town hall meeting on February 21, 2008, in Beaverton. Washington County residents of are invited to attend the open forums to ask questions and voice their concerns.During his 1996 U.S. Senate campaign, Wyden promised to hold town hall meetings in every Oregon county each year. The event Beaverton is in the 11th year of these meetings, which now total over 400.Washington County Town Hall Meeting Date: February 21, … Continue Reading
February 13, 2008
Wyden: "Congress is finally back to doing its job"
Washington, D.C. - Following today's filing of the House-Senate conference report on the FY'08 Intelligence Authorization Act (H.R. 2082), U.S Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) released the following statement. Wyden, a senior member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was one of the members negotiating on behalf of the Senate. H.R. 2082 is the annual bill authorizing spending for each of the nation's sixteen national intelligence agencies."This legislation restores Congressional … Continue Reading
February 12, 2008
Senate Votes to Expand Privacy Rights To Americans Abroad
Washington, D.C. - In passing the FISA Amendments Act of 2007 (S.2248), the U.S. Senate today voted to approve one of the largest expansions of privacy rights in the last thirty years. S.2248 which makes a number of changes to U.S. surveillance law contains a provision originally written by U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) that will ensure that Americans who travel outside the United States possess the same privacy rights that they enjoy on U.S. soil. "In the digital age, an American's … Continue Reading
January 30, 2008
Senate Committee Passes Copper Salmon Wilderness Act
Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today passed S. 2034, the Copper Salmon Wilderness Act. In advance of the committee's vote, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), who introduced S. 2034 in the Senate, submitted the below statement for the hearing record: Statement of Senator Ron Wyden ENR Business Meeting January 30, 2008 On S. 2034, the Copper Salmon Wilderness ActI am pleased that today we will be voting to move out of the Committee legislation that will … Continue Reading
January 30, 2008
Senate Committee Passes Legislation to Restore Northwest Fisheries
Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today passed S. 1522, the Fisheries Restoration and Irrigation Mitigation Act (FRIMA). Introduced by U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), S.1522 extends the Fisheries Restoration and Irrigation Mitigation Act of 2000, which over the last six years has cost-shared funds for improved fish passage to protect more than 550 river miles of fish habitat and species throughout the Northwest. In advance of the committee's vote, … Continue Reading
January 29, 2008
Senators Say Infrastructure Investments are Key to Economic Stimulus
WASHINGTON, D.C. - A bipartisan coalition of twenty U.S. Senators joined U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and John Thune (R-S.D.) today to urge congressional leaders to include $5 billion in the economic stimulus package for transportation infrastructure projects that can be started immediately.In a letter addressed to both House and Senate leadership, the senators wrote: "Infrastructure spending is one of the best investments the federal government can make in the economy: every dollar spent … Continue Reading
January 28, 2008
Wyden Statement on the State of the Union Address
WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) issued the following statement in response to President George W. Bush's State of the Union address: "I agree with the President when he says that Democrats and Republicans have a responsibility to work together for the American people. While I agree with his sentiment, I disagree with his approach. When it comes to the economy, Americans need more than tax cuts for the most fortunate few and one-time rebates - they need a long-term economic … Continue Reading
January 24, 2008
Wyden, Smith Remind Storm Victims that Disaster Assistance Deadline is Approaching
PORTLAND, Ore - Victims of December's storm have until February 7, 2008 to register for disaster assistance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and for filing applications with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for loans to repair physical damage.Oregonians who live in Clatsop, Columbia, Polk, Tillamook, Washington or Yamhill Counties who suffered damage resulting from the severe storms, wind, mudslides, landslides and flooding of December 1-17, 2007 should call the … Continue Reading
January 11, 2008
Smith, Wyden Announce $1.2 Million for Flood Recovery
Washington D.C. - Working to assist Oregon communities devastated by recent flooding, U.S. Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) announced today that up to $1.2 million in federal funds will be available for clean-up and recovery efforts in the affected counties. The money will target Clatsop, Columbia, Lincoln, Polk, Tillamook, Washington, and Yamhill counties. "This funding will help those Oregonians impacted by the devastating flood," said Smith. "Senator Wyden and I will … Continue Reading
January 08, 2008
Wyden Says Pacific Northwest Forests in Trouble, Thinning Will Help Increase Forest Health, Reduce Fires, Increase Jobs
Medford, Or -- Thinning the Pacific Northwest's troubled federal forests will increase forest health, decrease the chances of catastrophic forest fires and create more timber industry jobs for Oregonians, Senator Ron Wyden said today. "Thinning creates a healthier forest, a healthier economy and a healthier environment," Wyden said during opening remarks at a roundtable discussion on how to improve federal forests in the Pacific Northwest. "Trees going up in smoke do nothing for the quality of … Continue Reading