August 2004 |
Statement of U.S. Senator Ron Wyden on FTC Petroleum Mergers Report
Multnomah County Childrens Receiving CenterReceives Funds Secured by Wyden, Smith
July 2004 |
Wyden Statement on Majoras Recess Appointment
Wyden, Smith Secure Nearly $68 Million for Oregon Defense Projects
Wyden, Smith Announce $1.6 Million for Port Security
Wyden, Smith include oil spill provisions in Coast Guard reauthorization bill
Wyden, Smith Announce Funding for National Guard Armory Facility in Ontario
Wyden, Lott Propose Revamping National Security Classification Systems
Doggett, Wyden Introduce Bill To Stop Tobacco Smuggling
Wyden Releases Additional Views on Senate Intelligence Report
Umpqua Community Health Center to Receive Nearly $600,000
June 2004 |
Wyden Amendment Protects Economic Development Projects in Oregon's Small Communities
Wyden, Smith Securing Over $100 Million for Oregon Defense Projects
Wyden Wins Approval on Amendment to Keep Hopper Dredges Working in Pacific Ports
Wyden-Smith Bill on Bend Pine Nursery Approved by House of Representatives
Frist, Wyden Tackle Childhood Obesity with Legislation to Empower Kids, Schools
Wyden, Smith Announce more than $6.2 Million for Oregon Counties
Wyden obtains Energy Dept. commitment to meet maximum cleanup standards forHanford Nuclear Waste Tanks
Wyden Legislation Will Target Offshore Outsourcing
GAO Releases Smith-Wyden Requested Report on Pacific Groundfish