March 16, 2017

Wyden: White House Budget Outline a “Reckless Waste of Taxpayer Dollars”

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., issued the following statement on the president’s budget outline, released today:

“Skyrocketing military spending, which already consumes half of the budget, while cutting vital resources to protect working families and the environment, would be a reckless waste of taxpayer dollars.

“Rural counties in Oregon and across the country are already suffering from budget shortfalls when it comes to keeping their schools open, fighting wildfires in their backyards and giving their law enforcement what they need to protect our communities.

“Additionally, health care that costs more but gets people less is a losing plan for Americans – especially when it also puts insurance companies back in charge and lets drug companies off the hook for prescription drug costs that are breaking the budgets of families and seniors across the country.

“Slashing housing assistance for vulnerable families, food assistance for seniors and across-the-board protections for clean air and clean water will only make our country’s current challenges all the more difficult to solve.

“This budget blueprint shows that the president is going to continue to break his campaign promises by putting special interests ahead of hardworking Americans.”
