September 18, 2017

Wyden Votes No on Massive Increase in Military Spending

National Defense Authorization Act Undermines Buy America Protections, Blocks Amendments to Overturn Transgender Troop Ban

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., voted ‘no’ on a bill today that allows a massive increase in military spending and undermines Buy America protections that create Made-in-the-USA jobs.

The National Defense Authorization Act authorized $693 billion in military spending, a 9 percent increase over last year, at a time when spending on roads, bridges, education and other important priorities remains stagnant.

“I can’t sign off on another bill that OKs massive increases in military spending, including unnecessary military hardware even the Trump administration didn’t ask for," Wyden said. "All this, when Congress can’t figure out how to pay for new roads, bridges, schools and other priorities Americans desperately need to create jobs.

"Even worse, this bill undermines Buy America protections and creates new layers of red tape around life-saving medical research. I also object to a process that prevented consideration of amendments to overturn the unconscionable ban on transgender troops, or to remove prosecution of sexual assault from the chain of command.”