February 07, 2017

Wyden Votes No on Betsy DeVos to Head the Department of Education

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today voted against the confirmation of Betsy DeVos to be the next secretary of the Department of Education.

This morning on the Senate floor, he voiced his opposition to her confirmation, joining his colleagues who spoke through the night against DeVos.

“Today I stand up for kids, parents and families who deserve education policies that will let them go after their dreams and secure their futures,” Wyden said. “I believe they deserve better.

Wyden said he heard significant opposition to DeVos becoming the Secretary of Education at his town halls in Tillamook, Lincoln and Linn counties over the weekend.

Additionally, he has received more than 14,000 letters from Oregonians in the last two months expressing their concerns about DeVos. In past years, it has taken twice as long for him to receive that many letters.

The Senate confirmed DeVos after Vice President Mike Pence was brought in to break a 50-50 vote.

Click here to watch Wyden’s floor remarks.
