October 05, 2017

Wyden Votes Against Senate Budget Resolution

Washington, D.C. – Citing concerns over public education, the environment and consumer protections, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today voted against the Senate budget resolution after an all-day negotiating session.

“The sham Senate Budget resolution opens the door for Republicans to slam through schemes to siphon taxpayer dollars from public schools, drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and protect Wall Street stock traders instead of American consumers,” Wyden said. “I voted against this mockery today, and I will vote against it again on the Senate floor. It’s the job of Congress to fund programs that move our country forward, not waste time devising a lopsided ledger to squander taxpayer dollars and betray our core American values.”

Earlier in the week, Wyden filed amendments to the Senate budget to protect public lands and boost opportunities for women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. One amendment would have taken the first step to allow Congress to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), which is critical to protecting public lands and providing access to outdoor recreation for Americans.  

Oregon has received $382,728,920 in LWCF funding since the program began in 1965. Despite the program’s success, the Fiscal Year 2017 omnibus cut LWCF funding by $50 million, or more than 11 percent.

Another of his amendments would have allowed Congress to provide more funding for the Women’s Business Centers program, which connects women business owners to training and capital to start up and run successful small businesses.

Wyden also supported the inclusion of three provisions in the underlying bill that will budget for priorities that are critical to rural counties, including the Secure Rural Schools and Payments In Lieu of Taxes programs and wildfires.

Neither of Wyden’s amendments was included in the final resolution, which the Senate Budget Committee passed on a partisan vote of 12 to 11.

Wyden is a senior member of the Senate Budget Committee and the top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee.
