October 04, 2023

Wyden Urges Senate Judiciary Committee to Support Judge Kasubhai’s Nomination

Watch a video of Wyden deliver his remarks here

As prepared for delivery

Chairman Durbin, Ranking Member Graham, members of the committee, I’m very pleased to join you this morning to introduce Judge Kasubhai, nominee for the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon.

Judge Kasubhai is eminently qualified for this position. You all have his qualifications before you. You can see that before serving as a magistrate judge, he practiced law in Klamath Falls. Now for those who aren’t familiar with Klamath Falls–and I am, in fact I will be there for a town hall meeting this weekend–it is a highly rural, agriculture and natural resource-driven economy. It is a place that has to work to recruit lawyers and doctors. Judge Kasubhai would have had a lot of opportunities available to him and it says a lot about his character and care for rural Oregonians that he would seek to fill the need there.

And let me talk a bit more about his qualities that will make him an exceptional judge.

His humility and temperament. His incredible professional achievements can fly under the radar when speaking with him because he lacks even a hint of arrogance. He is just as happy to engage in a conversation with his neighbors back home in Oregon about his passion for woodworking. Members of this Committee may not know that Judge Kasubhai owns a portable sawmill that he uses to mill logs into beautiful finished wood products, such as flooring. So, if you really want a beautiful wood floor, ask the Judge. You’ve got a guy who knows rural Oregon folks. His combination of personal temperament and professional and life experiences formed in small communities is something that makes him uniquely qualified to understand the issues facing rural America and the implications of cases before him on communities large and small.

Here is what he won’t mention: He is the first South Asian-American and first Muslim-American to have served on the Lane County Circuit Court. And when he was appointed as a magistrate judge, he became the first Muslim-American to serve on the federal bench. In his 16 years on the bench, he has won awards for judicial excellence from organizations like the Oregon State Bar and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. These are no easy feats and are a testament to his work ethic, as well as his dedication to the law and excellence in the profession. It’s no surprise that the American Bar Association unanimously rated him as well qualified, the highest possible rating. To ensure this excellence endures in the community, he mentors students to create hope, opportunities and the next generation of legal professionals 

Let me close by saying: Not only did Judge Kasubhai advance through a bipartisan judicial selection commission, he also brings with him letters of support from leaders across Oregon and the political spectrum, from labor organizations to bar associations to the former U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, and the former Chief Judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon.

I urge all members of this committee to support Judge Kasubhai’s nomination, and I will happily speak further with any member to help get his nomination approved. 

Congratulations again to Judge Kasubhai on his nomination, and thank you again to Chairman Durbin and the committee for the opportunity to introduce him this morning.
