January 31, 2019

Wyden, Tester Reintroduce Bill Targeting “Dark Money” in Politics

Spotlight Act Would Hold Trump Administration Accountable, Require Disclosure of Dark Money Donors

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jon Tester today reintroduced the Spotlight Act, a bill to shine a light on dark money political donors and hold the Trump Administration accountable to enforce our nation’s campaign finance laws.

“The Trump Administration’s pro-dark money rule allows foreign powers and special interests to spread their influence even deeper into our democracy, so it’s got to go before the next election,” said Wyden, Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee.

“In the closing days of the last Congress, the Senate passed a resolution on a bipartisan basis to overturn this corrupt dark money rule, but it came to a screeching halt in the Republican-controlled House,” Wyden said. “This time around, I hope more Senate Republicans will support this pro-sunshine legislation tossing out the dark money rule and dare Donald Trump to side with powerful insiders and foreign meddlers over American voters.”

Wyden and Tester first introduced the Spotlight Act last July after the Treasury Department announced it would no longer require non-profit organizations engaged in political activity to disclose basic information about their donors. Under current law, 501(c)(3) organizations must provide donor information to the IRS, but the Treasury Secretary has discretion over whether to require this information from other types of tax-exempt organizations. The Spotlight Act would eliminate this discretion and legally require 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5), and 501(c)(6) organizations to provide the IRS with the names and basic information of donors who contribute more than $5,000.

The legislation is endorsed by non-partisan campaign finance reform organizations End Citizens United (ECU), Common Cause, and Democracy 21. 

“The IRS's decision to give mega-donors and Big Money special interests more secrecy with their political spending goes against what the majority of Americans want. Voters deserve to know who's behind the seemingly unlimited money that's trying to influence their vote and their government,” said End Citizens United Action Fund President Tiffany Muller. “ECU thanks Senators Tester and Wyden for their leadership, and Congress should pass this legislation immediately. It would shine a much-needed light on political nonprofits that spend hundreds of millions of dollars every election cycle in the shadows.”

In addition to the Spotlight Act, Tester and Wyden introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to reverse the Treasury Department’s decision in September. The resolution—which was co-sponsored by 41 other senators—passed the Senate on a bipartisan basis back in December, but was never taken up for a vote in the House.

A copy of the Spotlight Act is available HERE. Congressman David Price, D-N.C., introduced a companion bill in the House of Representatives.
