June 17, 2024

Wyden Supports Judge Kasubhai’s Nomination to U.S. District Court for Oregon

Watch a video of Wyden delivering his remarks here in a Senate floor speech

As prepared for delivery

I come to the floor today to reiterate my strong support for Judge Mustafa Kasubhai’s nomination to serve on the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon. 

There is a litany of reasons why I believe Judge Kasubhai is qualified for this position, but today I’ll focus on three: he prioritizes public safety, he understands our rural communities, and his nomination has broad support from leaders across the political spectrum.

During his six years serving as a federal magistrate judge on the Oregon District Court, he has demonstrated a commitment to the rule of law and community security – so much so that his nomination has been endorsed by the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, the Acting U.S. Marshal, and other law enforcement.

The Oregon Association Chiefs of Police made specific note of Judge Kasubhai’s “distinguished record of service dedication to upholding the rule of law, as well as his unwavering commitment to supporting crime victims and law enforcement” as one of the many reasons they are backing his nomination.

In one case earlier this year, Judge Kasubhai ordered a white supremacist alleged to have defaced a synagogue to be held in detention while court proceedings were ongoing. He deemed him too great a threat to the community, despite defense counsel calling for him to be released on home confinement. This is just one example that shows his commitment to prioritizing public safety.

Second, Judge Kasubhai knows and understands the challenges facing rural communities across the country. Before serving as a magistrate judge, he practiced law in Klamath Falls. For those who aren’t familiar with my home state, Klamath Falls is a highly rural area with an agriculture and natural resource-driven economy. It is a place that has to work to recruit lawyers and doctors. 

Anyone with Judge Kasubhai’s resumé would have had a lot of opportunities available to them, and it says a lot about his character and care for rural Oregonians that he chose to go where his skills were most needed and could make a difference. 

In talking with Judge Kasubhai, it is clear that his time working in Klamath Falls gave him a firsthand understanding of how our judicial system affects rural communities. I have no doubt that he will use this knowledge to ensure that his decisions are fair for all and take into account the needs of communities large and small.

Finally, not only did Judge Kasubhai advance through a bipartisan judicial selection commission, he also brings with him letters of support from leaders across Oregon and the political spectrum. Notably, he has the support of both a Bush-appointed federal judge, who called him “the very soul of fairness,” as well as a Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney. 

Judge Kasubhai's extensive legal accomplishments, unwavering commitment to serving our communities, and dedication to the rule of law are all reasons why I urge my colleagues to vote for his confirmation.
