July 15, 2014

Wyden Submits Net Neutrality Comments to FCC, Calls for Reclassification of Broadband

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., urged the Federal Communications Commission to preserve free and open competition on the Internet, in comments filed today.  In his submission, Wyden called for the commission to do that by reclassifying broadband providers as Title II common carriers, enforcing rules to ban paid prioritization and ensuring more transparency for consumers.

“It is impossible to permit pay-to-play discrimination without disadvantaging everyone who does not pay.  Paid prioritization is destined to result in an Internet that tilts in favor of well-established and deep-pocketed players.  And it is destined to create a set of disincentives for improving the technology for the benefit of all,” Wyden said.

“The answer is to preserve an open Internet by classifying today’s Internet as what it is -- a telecommunications service.  This does not mean over-regulating the Internet.  It means using a scalpel to deal with a specific market failure that threatens the public interest.  I have always been a vocal advocate for applying a light touch to Internet regulation.”

Treating broadband providers the same way as other telecommunication companies, under Title II of the Telecommunications Act will provide the FCC with a strong legal foundation to enforce the open Internet rules that level the playing field for consumers and startups.

Read Wyden’s full FCC submission here.

Wyden authored and pushed for the passage of legislation that protect the Internet from onerous litigation, discriminatory taxation, and excessive regulation and help grow America’s increasingly innovative digital economy.  He continues to stand up for an Internet where disrupters and disruption are given a fair shot at reinventing the way people do business, organize, learn and communicate.

The deadline to submit comments to the FCC is tomorrow at midnight. Wyden has called on supporters of a free Internet to file their comments here.  

Learn more about Wyden’s fight for net neutrality and promoting an open Internet here.


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