April 18, 2019

Wyden Statement on the Special Counsel Report

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement on the special counsel report:

“The special counsel’s report provides a detailed look at Russia’s attack on our democracy and the Trump campaign’s eager embrace of a foreign adversary’s assistance, as well as the repeated lies of Trump operatives about those communications. There is no question the president and his campaign put their self-interest above the national interest over and over again.

“Furthermore, the report details the extraordinary lengths Donald Trump went to obstruct justice – firing the FBI director, dictating false statements about meeting Russians and repeatedly encouraging his underlings to lie to investigators. The president worked tirelessly to undermine a legitimate investigation and prevent the truth from coming out. The special counsel emphasized the endless torrent of lies made the investigation far more difficult, and he has clearly left it to Congress to fulfill its Constitutional duty to act on the president’s assault on the rule of law. Congress has a constitutional responsibility to thoroughly investigate and provide the full story to the American people. 

“Attorney General Barr, much like Trump, has shown himself to be an enthusiastic liar, willing to make clearly false statements about the special counsel’s report less than an hour before it was released. His track record of defending the president at all costs makes it essential that every member of Congress see the unredacted report, along with all underlying materials, so members and staff can review them, get the full story and provide a check on abuse of the redaction process.

“Finally, the Senate Intelligence Committee must thoroughly investigate counterintelligence, including Donald Trump’s financial entanglements with the Russians, issues that were outside the scope of the special counsel’s inquiry. Given evidence from the Mueller report, the committee must take steps to ensure its investigations do not leak to the executive branch.”
