August 08, 2011

Wyden Statement on the Death of Former Oregon United States Senator Mark Hatfield

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Wyden issued the following statement today on the death of former Oregon United States Senator Mark Hatfield. Hatfield passed away yesterday in Portland at age 89:
“Oregon has lost a great son. The United States Senate has lost one of its former giants.  The nation has lost a man who represented honesty and decency. And I have lost a very good friend.
Senator Hatfield was a colleague and friend to many who still serve in the United States Senate and he was a hero to a generation of Oregonians who came to admire him for his independence and principles. We will remember him as someone who was universally respected and whose word was his bond.
Senator Hatfield was never one to be driven by party affiliation or ideological litmus tests.  He was religious but not intolerant. Idealistic but not naïve. A politician but not partisan. He was willing to stand alone, but never one to grandstand.
I know that all Oregonians join me in offering condolences to his wife, Antoinette, and his four children, Elizabeth, Mark Jr., Theresa and Visko.”