June 19, 2013

Wyden Statement on the Confirmation of Michael Froman to be United States Trade Rep.

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) issued the following statement after the Senate vote to confirm Michael Froman as the United States Trade Representative. Wyden is the chair of the Senate Finance Committee’s subcommittee on International Trade, Customs and Global Competitiveness.

“The United States needs a Trade Representative that understands the broad challenges that face American producers and who knows how those challenges can be addressed.  The country needs a Trade Representative that commands the respect of his or her foreign counterparts and enjoys the confidence of his staff, the Congress, the President and, most importantly, the American people.  I voted to confirm Michael Froman as USTR because I believe he has the ability to fulfill these important needs, at this critical time.  I will do all I can to help Mr. Froman in his success, particularly on combating unfair trade practices and their impact on American workers.

I continue to share the concerns that Senator Warren and others express about the lack of adequate transparency in U.S. trade negotiations.  Mr. Froman has committed to work with me to address these concerns and I look forward to working with him, Senator Warren and others to accomplish this important objective.  America’s trade policy is too far reaching for the American people to not be fully aware of what trade negotiators are seeking on their behalf.”