December 20, 2013

Wyden Statement on Senator Baucus’ Nomination to be Ambassador to China

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) issued the following statement regarding Senator Baucus’ nomination to be Ambassador to China:

“I want to congratulate my friend and colleague Max Baucus on the next step in his career in public service. Like his personal mentor Mike Mansfield, he has served Montana and the nation with great distinction for decades and has left his mark on the Senate and the Finance Committee. Our diplomatic relationships in East Asia are some of the most important of the 21st century. He will be an excellent representative of America’s interests.

The Senate Finance Committee has many important responsibilities which include promoting job creation, ensuring competitiveness and stabilizing the nation’s fiscal health. I also look forward to continuing my work on preserving the Medicare guarantee and protecting retirement security, updating the nation’s tax system with a focus on growth, fairness and efficiency and ensuring that fiscal policy supports keeping jobs here in America.

At the same time, Energy and Natural Resources issues – from restoring forests and creating jobs in the woods, to streamlining and increasing incentives for lower-carbon energy – are crucial and I look forward to pressing forward on these issues.”