June 11, 2015

Wyden Statement on Republicans Failed Effort to Move Bad Cybersecurity Bill Forward

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) released the following statement after Senate Republicans failed in their ill-advised efforts to attach the Cyber Security Information Act to NDAA.

“Today we beat back a Republican effort to use procedural tricks to pass a bad cybersecurity bill. But this is just the beginning,” Wyden said. “I will keep fighting against bad policies that do little to stop hackers, prioritize corporations over Americans and have no meaningful privacy protections. All those who refuse to give up their liberty must keep up the pressure on Congress to focus on real solutions that protect Americans’ privacy while actually improving cybersecurity.”

Wyden was the only member of the Senate Intelligence Committee to vote against CISA. He has repeatedly called for cybersecurity policy that ensures federal agencies receive the funding and expertise necessary to develop and implement robust security programs, and that these agencies have the technical and administrative controls that they need to combat a wide variety of cybersecurity threats.