May 29, 2014

Wyden Statement on New DOE Process for LNG Terminal Decisions

Wyden: Proposal Can Maximize U.S. Economic and Environmental Advantage

Washington, D.C.  – Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., issued the following statement on the Department of Energy’s new proposal for considering liquefied natural gas export applications:

“Natural gas is a strategic advantage – America has it and the world wants it. The Energy Department is doing the right thing today by taking steps to protect America’s advantage. I have long said that the studies DOE has relied on need to be updated to reflect current market conditions and data. I am pleased to see DOE has taken my suggestions to heart and that we will look before we leap in order to maximize the economic and environmental benefits of natural gas.

A clearer process will mean more certainty for developers and workers about which projects are commercially viable.”