July 24, 2017

Wyden Statement on Kushner Testimony

Washington, D.C. –Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today called for full transparency by Jared Kushner, in response to the statement Kushner released this morning.

“It is imperative that the public hear Jared Kushner testify in an open session of the Senate Intelligence Committee, under oath, and support his claims with full transparency in the form of emails, documents and financial records,” Wyden said.

“Kushner’s statement, which he released publicly to the press, raises far more questions than it answers.

His description of his financial relationships with individuals and businesses tied to Russia appears incomplete, at best. Notably, the comment ‘I have not relied on Russian funds to finance my business activities in the private sector,’ is clearly the work of a clever lawyer trying to protect his client, not someone trying to clear up questions raised by Congress and the American people. He has an obligation to be transparent with all relevant documents to back up his claims.

More broadly, Kushner has repeatedly concealed information about his personal finances and meetings with foreign officials. There should be no presumption that he is telling the whole truth today.”
