March 26, 2013

Wyden Statement on Full Funding of Tuition Assistance Programs for National Guard Members

Portland, Or - Oregon Senator Ron Wyden issued the following statement today following President Obama’s signing of a continuing appropriations bill that includes full funding of tuition assistance for veterans.

“Earlier today, President Obama signed the continuing appropriations bill into law.  I supported this important piece of legislation because it will fund the government through October and avert a senseless and unnecessary showdown.  As part of this effort, I was proud to cosponsor an amendment to the bill that will require the Pentagon to fully fund tuition assistance programs for our men and women in uniform.  Tuition assistance and other education programs not only prepare future generations of military leaders, but they also teach skills that can help servicemembers find jobs when they leave the military.  In our state alone, I’m proud to say that this provision could keep up to 350 members of the Oregon National Guard in school.”