May 15, 2008

Wyden statement on approval of $170 million in salmon disaster relief

Washington, D.C. -- Oregon Senator Ron Wyden issued the following statement today following Senate approval of a Farm Bill that includes $170 million in disaster assistance to help commercial fishers and businesses that have been affected by the salmon closure in Oregon, California, Washington and Idaho.

"The disaster relief funding included for our commercial fishing industry is a much-needed lifeline for lots of Oregon communities and families," said Wyden. "We look forward to working with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission - as we did in 2006 - to support the rebuilding of our salmon stocks and the businesses that depend on them."

The legislation, which Wyden voted for, does not determine the amount of funding to be allotted to Oregon. That will be done by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, which will distribute the funds among the affected states.