June 23, 2004

Wyden, Smith Securing Over $100 Million for Oregon Defense Projects

Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Oregon Defense Projects

Washington, DC - U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) today announced that the Senate Appropriations Committee has approved at least $103.5 million in funding for defense-related projects in Oregon. These funds are now included in the FY2005 Defense spending bill, which must now be approved by the full Senate.

"This funding for Oregon nanotech and other cutting edge technologies will set the table for significant job creation in our state, while also making Oregon a key player in our national defense efforts," said Wyden. "The committee paid a lot of attention to Oregon today, and it shows that a little bit of bipartisan teamwork can go a long way."

"Providing our military with the finest equipment and resources will help maintain their effectiveness while enhancing their safety," Smith said. "While they're overseas defending freedom and helping maintain security in the world, we owe them nothing less than the best we can do."

The projects that would receive funding are as follows:

  • The Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute (ONAMI) would receive $5 million to develop miniaturized tactical energy systems for a wide range of military applications, including portable power systems for use by military personnel in the field and power systems for remote autonomous censors.

  • ONAMI would also receive $5 million for developing nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing methods to meet the military's simultaneous need for high performance materials, protecting human health and minimizing harm to the environment.

  • Oregon AERO of Scappoose would receive $5 million for improved body armor for Oregon soldiers. Specifically, the funds would be used to purchase helmet liner systems for National Guardsmen and Reservists that are already being used by the Army and Special Operations soldiers.

  • HemCon of Tigard would receive $15 million for the further development of the chitosan hemorrhage control dressing. Animal studies conducted by the Army indicated that the chitosan dressing can have a beneficial effect controlling hemorrhage from internal sites, and can save lives during surgery and preserve precious blood supply in the field.

  • Oregon Medical Laser Center in Portland would receive $4 million for tissue replacement and repair for battlefield injuries that would revolutionize treatment of external bleeding, which the Army cites as the leading preventable cause of death on the battlefield. The first soldier to die in Afghanistan died from uncontrollable bleeding due to a small bullet to the leg. Wyden and Smith were able to secure $16 million last year for both the hemorrhage control dressing and the tissue replacement and repair research and development programs.

  • Freightliner, based in Portland, would share in $15 million to continue its program of replacing M915 line haul tractors. The newer heavy tactical tractors are more reliable, easier to maintain, and significantly more fuel efficient.

  • Oregon Iron Works, with operations in Clackamas, would share in $13 million for the completion and continued testing of a Sealion cascading vehicle capable of supporting a variety of missions, including mine identification and deactivation, clandestine surveillance of shore side and seaborne activity, reconnaissance, and target interdiction.

  • Advanced Navigation and Positioning Corporation of Hood River would receive $12 million for Transportable Transponder Landing Systems to improve the safety, accuracy and reliability of air force operations.

  • The Metals Affordability Initiative Consortium would receive $10 million for research, testing and development of technologies to improve military war fighting capability while increasing the cost-effectiveness of such technologies. The Consortium's presence in Oregon includes Oremet, a division of Allegheny Technologies located in Albany; Pacific Cast Technologies, a division of Ladish located in Albany; and Boeing's Portland machining operation & PCC Stucturals, Inc division.

  • Macsema, an Oregon-based subcontractor of Intermec Corporation, would share in an $8 million grant for a tracking system to monitor location and usage of military equipment in the field. The Serial Number Tracking System is a web-based system that would monitor military equipment and assets during usage, maintenance, and deployment around the world.

  • Siga Technologies, Inc. of Corvallis would receive $7.5 million for the research and development of a system for rapid detection and diagnosis of potential bioterrorism agents. Rapid detection of agents and the subsequent development of vaccines are extremely important components in combating bioterrorism.

  • Hydration Technologies of Albany would receive $7 million for the operation and maintenance of forward osmosis technology to provide safe fluids for consumption from available contaminated surface water. The Army indicates that this technology will reduce the logistics footprints of military units, extending their operational duration and capability in remote regions.

  • American Blimp Corporation in Hillsboro would also receive $6 million for a project to deliver an airborne platform and system that can assist soldiers in urban environments by aiding them in identifying and defeating targets.

  • AVI BioPharma in Portland and Corvallis would receive $6 million for the development of technology to test for and find therapeutic agents for viruses, including the Ebola and Marburg viruses. This program would leverage research already being conducted in the private sector as well as by researchers at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases to promote survival and favorable clinical outcomes following exposure to these toxins. The company will also receive $4 million for the development of technology to test for and find therapeutic agents for the Anthrax and Ricin toxins.

  • The University of Oregon's Brain, Biology and Machine Science Initiative would receive $6 million for interdisciplinary research related to cognitive neuroscience, genetics research, and informatics.

  • FLIR Systems in Portland would receive $5 million to upgrade its thermal imaging systems. The upgrade would permit the Marine Corps aircrews to more effectively detect and highlight areas of interest for navigation and flight safety. It would also help them to ensure that targets or obstacles are quickly identified and designated.

  • FLIR Systems, based in Portland, would also receive $4 million to improve the thermal imaging systems on its UH-60 MEDEVAC aircraft. The improved imaging capabilities will permit aircrews to more effectively detect and identify targets and areas of interest, significantly improve flight safety and provide critical intelligence for aircrew and civil support personnel.