July 28, 2023

Wyden, Salinas, Duarte, Gluesenkamp Perez Introduce Bill to Restore Forests, Boost Rural Economies by Supporting Wood Product Innovation

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and U.S. Representative Andrea Salinas, D-Ore., John Duarte, R-Calif., and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash., this week introduced bipartisan legislation that would improve forest health, reduce wildfire risk, sequester more carbon, and boost rural economies by supporting innovative timber products, such as mass timber.

”Oregon’s cutting-edge leadership in wood products innovations strengthens rural economies by generating fresh job opportunities, all while paying for restoration work that’s key to creating healthier, more fire-resistant forests statewide, and adding timely tools in the climate crisis battle,” Wyden said. “The Timber Innovation for Building Rural Communities Act would build much-needed federal support for that triple crown of economic, firefighting and environmental goals. And I’ll fight hard to get this legislation passed into law.”  

“As Ranking Member of the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on Forestry, I’m proud to be introducing the bipartisan Timber Innovation for Building Rural Communities Act with my colleagues today,” said Salinas. “This legislation would build on the 2018 Farm Bill’s support for wood innovation and forest products, fostering rural prosperity by maximizing the economic and environmental benefits of working forests. Private working forests and the forest products sector are essential drivers of many American industries, and they bolster rural jobs and communities around the nation. This bill will ensure that working forests and the forests products sector have the tools needed to continue to drive market innovation, sustainably manage their lands, and create new jobs.”

“Our country relies on our working forests. I am proud to have joined a bipartisan, bicameral coalition in introducing the Timber Innovation for Building Rural Communities Act,” said Duarte. “This legislation makes it easier to track forest health, trains the next generation of engineers and architects, expands the Wood Innovation Grant program, and builds rural infrastructure with American-grown wood products. By investing in our timber communities, we can both create jobs and properly manage our forests.”

"Keeping the woods working for the next generation requires making sure we keep the timber industry thriving through innovation,” said Gluesenkamp Perez. "Our bipartisan bill makes critical investments in the workforce that use these novel wood innovations and the important programs that do the research to move the wood product economy forward."

The Timber Innovation For Building Rural Communities Act would:

  • Require the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in consultation with Tribes, State Foresters, and private sector partners, to establish a platform for measuring, monitoring, verifying and reporting data about the carbon impacts from forest management and wood products. 
  • Reduce the match requirement for the existing Wood Innovation Grant Program and direct that priority be given to proposed projects in communities with higher-than-average unemployment, that recognize or enhance carbon reduction strategies in building design, or report on the resilience and economic benefits of the proposal.
  • Establish the Wood Building Accelerator Grant Program to fund programs that support the critical elements of designing and building with wood, including traditional wood products, mass timber and other advanced wood products.
  • Establish the Rural Infrastructure and Building Pilot Program to fund pilot programs that demonstrate the use of innovative wood products in the construction and renovation of rural infrastructure and building projects, such as affordable, modular housing.

Bill text can be found here.

"We commend Senator Wyden for introducing the Timber Innovation for Building Rural Communities Act, a bill that will bolster our nation's private working forests and the rural communities that depend on them for clean air and water, wildlife habitat, and jobs,” the National Alliance of Forest Owners said in a statement. “This bill provides comprehensive support to the climate-smart forest supply chain through enhancing forest and wood product data, new education grants to train the next generation of engineers and architects in wood and mass timber construction, the expansion of the Wood Innovation Grant program, and the piloting of American-grown wood products' integration into rural infrastructure. These provisions collectively advance climate action via market mechanisms and investments in rural communities. We eagerly anticipate collaborating with Senator Wyden and the entire Senate to pass this essential legislation."

"Sustainable Northwest commends Senator Wyden and Representatives Salinas, Duarte, and Gluesenkamp Perez for introduction of the Timber Innovation for Building Rural Communities Act,” said Dylan Kruse, Vice President, Sustainable Northwest. “This legislation will provide essential resources and data supporting the diverse benefits of building with wood, spur innovation to restore forest health, and foster the next generation of green building professionals. We thank Senator Wyden for his continued leadership and vision to provide environmental and economic benefits to rural communities in Oregon and across the country."

“The Timber Innovation for Building Rural Communities Act builds upon the significant achievements in the 2018 Farm Bill, and further promotes the development of advanced wood products, tall mass timber buildings, and more,” said Jackson Morrill, CEO, American Wood Council. “Wood products are 50% carbon by weight, and increasing the use of these products can reduce the climate impacts of our built environment, all while supporting jobs across rural America. This legislation, if enacted, would continue to build on the successes of the Wood Innovations Grant Program, train the next generation of architects and engineers in the use of advanced wood products, and help address the affordable housing crisis in the rural communities that manufacture sustainable wood products.”

“The Forest Resources Association (FRA) strongly supports the introduction of this important legislation,” said Tim O’Hara, Vice President, Government Affairs, FRA. “Included in the bill is funding for the Wood Innovation Grant (WIG) program that has proven to be a catalyst for meaningful investment in rural communities around the country that are increasingly reliant on the good paying jobs that the forest products sector creates. We applaud Senator Wyden for his effort and his ongoing leadership in helping sustain these jobs and the working forests that are the lifeblood for these operations.”

“The National Wooden Pallet & Container Association is proud to support the Timber Innovation for Building Rural Communities Act, which supports critical research and innovation to advance wood products' uniquely positive environmental qualities,” said Jason Ortega, VP of Public Affairs, National Wooden Pallet & Container Association. “This legislation builds upon our work with the Forest Products Lab to produce the first Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in the distribution packaging space. Our EPD is third-party verified and provides verifiable data showing that wooden pallets can have a potential net carbon-positive impact. A tool like the MMRV platform will provide the public with transparent environmental impact data from a trusted source to help make informed decisions. We thank Senator Wyden for supporting the forestry and wood products sectors and the rural economies that depend on them.”


Press Contact: Nicole L'Esperance