July 28, 2015

Wyden Praises News Senate Likely to Delay Vote on Flawed Cyber Bill

Legislation Would Do Little to Protect Against Hackers, Creates New Threats to Individuals’ Privacy

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today praised news that the Senate will likely delay consideration of a flawed cybersecurity bill for at least a month, but warned that defenders of Americans’ privacy must mobilize to prevent the bill from being revived this fall.

This is a temporary victory, but any delay is a good delay when it comes to a flawed bill that threatens Americans’ privacy without making our personal information any safer. The grassroots and privacy advocates deserve enormous credit for pulling CISA into the daylight and exposing its warts to the public,” Wyden said. “I plan to use the next month to work with advocates to build opposition to this proposal and keep it from creeping back when the Senate returns in September.

Wyden was the only member of the Senate Intelligence Committee to vote against the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act in committee , but since that vote opposition to the legislation has grown.

Activists joined Wyden in applauding the delay in considering this misguided bill.

“This is a big win for our fundamental right to privacy, and we thank all the activists who worked so hard to tell the public what this bill is really about,” said Nathan White, senior legislative manager at Access, a group that works to defend digital rights and prviacy. “Republican leadership made it clear that they intended to pass the bill before recess. The failure to do so, in the face of public opposition during the Week of Action, is a clear failure for CISA. This is the second time this bill has been beaten back, and it’s now further weighed down with political baggage. Let's hope it never comes back.”

Read more about CISA’s flaws, and real solutions to real cybersecurity threats here.
