March 13, 2018

Wyden Opposes Nominations of Pompeo and Haspel

Washington, D.C. – Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a senior member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, issued the following statement opposing the nominations of Mike Pompeo to serve as secretary of state, and Gina Haspel to serve as director of the Central Intelligence Agency

“I oppose the nominations of both Mike Pompeo to be secretary of state and Gina Haspel to be CIA director.  Before and after his confirmation as CIA director, Mike Pompeo has demonstrated a casual relationship to truth and principle.  He has downplayed Russia's attack on our democracy, at times contradicting the Intelligence Community he is supposed to lead.  He has also made inconsistent and deeply concerning statements about torture and mass spying on Americans,” Wyden said.  

“Ms. Haspel's background makes her unsuitable to serve as CIA director.  Her nomination must include total transparency about this background, which I called for more than a year ago when she was appointed deputy director. If Ms. Haspel seeks to serve at the highest levels of U.S. intelligence, the government can no longer cover up disturbing facts from her past.”
