Wyden, Merkley Reintroduce Legislation to Help Recreation and Wildfire Prevention Work in SW Oregon and Near Molalla River
Washington D.C.— – U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today reintroduced their legislation that would boost recreation opportunities in Southwestern Oregon and on the Molalla River in Clackamas County, while ensuring wildfire prevention work in both regions.
The senators’ Oregon Recreation Enhancement (ORE) Act would create the Rogue Canyon Recreation Area and the Molalla Recreation Area, expand the Wild Rogue Wilderness Area, and prohibit destructive mining on pristine rivers in Southwestern Oregon.
"Protecting our beautiful outdoor areas is central to Oregonians’ identities. By acting as good stewards to our public lands, we can both expand jobs in rural communities and preserve precious natural resources," said Wyden. “This legislation is essential to boosting wildfire prevention and conservation projects that help the fight against the climate crisis.”
“These areas are among Oregon’s most breathtaking landscapes and are vital in supporting the state’s economy and in addressing climate chaos,” Merkley said. “Protecting these natural areas not only fuels a robust outdoor recreation economy, but is also a part of who we are as Oregonians. It is our responsibility to protect these lands and headwaters from degradation and mining, increasingly intense wildfires, and other damaging impacts. Our lands and waters are our greatest resource, and it’s on us to ensure they are passed down to future generations in good shape.”?
The ORE Act would make the following three designations:
Molalla Recreation Area: Establish a 30,000-acre recreation area on the banks of the Molalla River in Clackamas County next to the Table Rock Wilderness Area.
Rogue Canyon Recreation Area: Establish a 98,000-acre recreation area on the banks of the Rogue River in Southwestern Oregon next to the Wild Rogue Wilderness Area.
Wild Rogue Wilderness Expansion: Expand the existing Wild Rogue Wilderness Area by about 60,000 acres. The federal land included within this expansion has been identified by federal land managers as land that should be protected and conserved.
Each of these three proposed recreation and wilderness designations would require forest health, wildfire resiliency, and other wildfire prevention strategies in the region to continue.
The ORE Act also would permanently prevent irresponsible mining on more than 100,000 acres of Forest Service land near the existing Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area. These areas are at the headwaters of several National Wild and Scenic Rivers, and support clean drinking water for thousands of Oregonians. After much public input and local consensus, the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management issued a 20-year mineral withdrawal for this area in 2016.
A one-pager of the legislation is here.
“As the owner of a recreation-based business, I appreciate Senator Wyden and Merkley’s leadership in reintroducing the Oregon Recreation Enhancement Act to protect the headwaters of our region’s finest rivers.” said Dave Lacey owner of South Coast Tours in Gold Beach. “My community—and my business—depends on the clean water, salmon, and thriving ecosystems that earn our place its reputation as ‘America’s Wild Rivers Coast.’”
“Across the State from the Gold Beach to Canby the drinking water for the vast majority of Oregonians comes from our public lands,” said David Moryc of American Rivers. “By championing these common sense, locally supported conservation measures Senators Wyden and Merkley are ensuring that the water we drink will remain clean and low-cost for future generations.”
“My outfitting business offers four-day rafting trips on the Wild and Scenic Illinois and Rogue Rivers—two of the most extraordinary river experiences in the country. These trips not only provide visitors with unforgettable outdoor adventures but also drive significant economic support to local hotels, restaurants, and shops. The Rogue River watershed is a cornerstone of Southern Oregon’s economy, and preserving its pristine headwaters is essential for the future of these iconic river journeys.” said Zach Collier of Northwest Rafting Company. "I commend Senator Wyden and Senator Merkley for their dedication to protecting Southwest Oregon’s rivers and for championing the Oregon Recreation Enhancement Act to ensure these remarkable waterways remain safeguarded for generations to come."
“Our entire team is extremely appreciative of Senator Wyden’s and Merkley’s ongoing efforts to conserve and protect the remarkable wild steelhead and salmon-bearing rivers of southern Oregon,” said Ken Morrish of Fly Water Travel. “As international fly fishing travel experts deeply involved with the world's premier anadromous fisheries, we know from experience that Southwest Oregon's rivers are world class and just how worthy of protection they are.”
“As an outfitter on the Rogue, we believe the river is unmeasurable. Wild rivers are crucial in providing not only healthy communities but also prosperous economics for these communities,” said Kait Bailey of Humble Heron Fly Fishing. “These rivers allow an experience for people to care for the outdoors and pass it on to future generations. The ORE Act will help spread tourism, income for businesses, outdoor school opportunities, family fun filled activities, and most importantly it will help bring people to OREGON. Humble Heron Fly Fishing thanks Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley for standing with their constituents and re-introducing legislation to protect the wild Rogue River.”
“Southwestern Oregon has an extraordinary cast of National Wild and Scenic Rivers, including the Rogue, the Illinois, and the Smith,” said Tim Palmer, author of Field Guide to Oregon Rivers and America’s Wild and Scenic Rivers. “These are absolutely some of our nation’s finest rivers, and so protecting their headwaters is key to conserving their outstanding values—from crystal clean water, to robust salmon runs, to some of the very best recreation our region has to offer, including swimming, fishing, camping, and boating. I appreciate that Senators Wyden and Merkley have been strong leaders in conserving Oregon’s treasured rivers so that future generations can enjoy the waterways that make our state so special.”
“Southwest Oregon’s Wild and Scenic rivers are truly national treasures,” said Ann Vileisis, President, Kalmiopsis Audubon Society, Port Orford. “They provide not only clean drinking water for local communities but also salmon runs that draw anglers from afar and many other outstanding recreation opportunities. We are grateful for Senator Wyden’s and Merkley’s leadership and longstanding efforts to conserve and protect the cherished wild rivers of our ‘Wild Rivers Coast.’”
“The botanically-rich Rough and Ready Creek watershed is truly unique and beloved by all who know it—it’s also the headwaters of the exceptional National Wild and Scenic Illinois and Rogue rivers," said Barbara Ullian, resident of Grants Pass, Oregon since 1947. “We’re thankful that Senator Wyden and Senator Merkley are working to protect our region’s very special rivers and the clean drinking water they provide to downstream communities.”
"Growing up in rural Josephine County, I spent a lot of time on the Rogue and Illinois Rivers as a kid, and now my son is enjoying these rivers, too. They are amazing places where people can swim, boat, fish or just sit and watch the beautiful clear waters flow” said Allee Gustafson, Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center, Central Point. “Rivers are central to the social and economic fabric of rural communities in southern Oregon. Thanks to Senator Wyden and Senator Merkley for their leadership to protect these renowned but threatened watersheds and the amazing outdoor experiences that they provide.”
The full text of the bill is here.
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