September 29, 2023

Wyden, Merkley: Klamath Tribes Earn $500,000 Federal Investment in Upgraded Broadband

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced that the Klamath Tribes have secured a $500,000 federal grant to improve broadband service for its Tribal members in southern Oregon.

“Tribal communities in Oregon and nationwide need and deserve reliable, modern broadband for educational and job opportunities, small business growth, telehealth and more,” said Wyden, who earlier this year successfully fought to correct inaccuracies in the National Broadband Map that would have cost Oregon hundreds of millions of dollars in grants. “I’m glad the Klamath Tribes have earned this federal investment to achieve those key objectives, and I’ll keep battling to ensure all of Oregon’s Tribal communities have that same support for robust broadband in their communities.”

“In today’s world, reliable and affordable broadband is crucial for communities to succeed, including Tribal communities,” said Merkley. “Investments that improve access to high-speed internet will help support the economy, education, and quality of life for the Klamath Tribes, and I’ll continue doing all I can to secure resources that support Oregon’s Tribes.”

The $500,000 federal investment in the Klamath Tribes from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program will fund environmental technical studies and compliance documents, as well as network design and engineering to support the future deployment of a fixed wireless backhaul and last mile fiber-optic network. The Tribal Broadband Connectivity program offers grants to eligible Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian entities for high-speed internet deployment, digital inclusion, workforce development, telehealth, and distance learning.