August 08, 2005

Wyden: Energy Bill a Series of Missed Opportunities

Senator was a conferee on final House-Senate Energy legislation;argues that bill doesnt do enough to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil

Washington, DC U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), a member of the House-Senate Conference Committee and a member of the Senate Energy Committee, criticized the Energy Policy Act of 2005 today upon its signature into law as not doing enough to reduce Americas dependence on foreign oil, and calling the bill a series of missed opportunities, stuffed with a smorgasbord of subsidies for energy industries like oil, coal, nuclear and ethanol. Wyden voted against the legislation in late July, arguing that the bill does not do nearly enough to reduce Americas dependence on foreign oil, does nothing to reduce the price of gasoline, and continues a decades-long policy of heavily subsidizing energy companies with taxpayer dollars.I defy anybody to say how this will produce a concrete, significant reduction in our dependence on foreign oil in the next twenty years, said Wyden. On the crucial national security question will this make us less dependent on the Middle East and more secure at home this bill fails the test.In the wake of the London transit bombings, Wyden spoke regarding the terror tax Americans pay for our nations dependence on foreign oil. Wyden discussed how funds find their way from American consumers gasoline purchases to extremists who wish to attack the U.S. and other democracies. To read Wydens speech, go to passage of the Energy Bill by Congress late last month, Wyden spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate, blasting the legislation for not doing enough to improve the nations energy policy for the future and explained his vote against the legislation. The full text of Wydens remarks can be seen at