September 06, 2018

Wyden Demands Release of Kavanaugh’s Full White House Record amid Republican Stonewalling

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Ron Wyden today demanded the White House make Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s complete White House record available to the Senate and the public.

Access to a Supreme Court nominee’s full record is necessary for the Senate to fulfill its constitutional duty to advise and consent,” Wyden and 18 other senators wrote in a letter to the White House. “More important, it is essential for the American people to have confidence in our confirmation process.”

The rush and secrecy has left us to wonder what the White House is withholding from the American people,” the senators continued. “It should make the documents available for review.”

Their letter follows a similar demand sent Monday by all 10 Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Wyden was joined by the following Senators in sending the letter: Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev., Michael Bennet, D-Colo., Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., Ed Markey, D-Mass., Tom Carper, D-Del., Doug Jones, D-Ala., Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Patty Murray, D-Wash., Sherrod Brown , D-Ohio, Tom Udall, D-N.M., Angus King, I-Maine, Tim Kaine, D-Va., Robert Casey, D-Penn., Margaret Hassan, D-N.H., Mark Warner, D-Va., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.

The full letter can be found here.