Wyden Demands Answers Regarding the Harmful Termination of Contracts at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
“Veterans hospitals cannot provide lifesaving services safely to veterans without these contracts. That is an unconscionable betrayal of commitments made to Americans who served our country”
Washington DC—U.S. Senator Ron Wyden today demanded answers from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs about the termination of contracts that will cause the shutdown of x-rays, computed tomography scans (CT scans), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), interventional radiology (IR) rooms, cardiac catheterization laboratories (cath labs), nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography (PET)-CT scans, fluoroscopy, mammography, and other essential services at VA hospitals in Oregon and across America.
In a letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Doug Collins, Senator Wyden wrote: “I have fought tooth and nail over my career to enact several laws to expand veterans healthcare, including my own law that expanded mammography services for women veterans. I am appalled to hear that the VA may have callously terminated contracts, undermining these laws. Veterans are already facing long wait times for appointments and too often do not receive the timely care they require for serious service-connected diseases and conditions. With the promises made to veterans in mind, I ask that you restore these contracts immediately and detail all disruptions to patient care across VA facilities. I also ask that you commit to ensuring that there will be no other disruptions to veterans healthcare.”
Full text of the letter is here.
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