Wyden, Coats Statement on The Gang of Six’s Inclusion of Comprehensive Tax Reform in Deficit Reduction Plan
Washington, D.C. – After the Senate’s Gang of Six unveiled their bipartisan proposal to reduce the deficit by $3.7 trillion over ten years, U.S. Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Dan Coats (R-Ind.) released the following statement supporting the Gang’s decision to include comprehensive tax reform as one of the driving forces of their deficit reduction strategy:
“This morning demonstrated that there are a number of senators ready and willing to tackle meaningful deficit reduction and tax reform. These are senators who know that when Democrats and Republicans stop fighting each other, they can team up and enact substantive solutions. We look forward to working with these senators and lending our experience writing bipartisan tax reform legislation, so that we can move beyond simply talking about the benefits of tax reform and produce a bill that can pass the House and Senate.”
Wyden and Coats are the sponsors of the first bipartisan, comprehensive tax reform bill in the last quarter century. Click here to learn more about the Bipartisan Tax Fairness and Simplification Act. Click here to read a letter Wyden and Coats sent to President Obama calling for comprehensive tax reform to be part of any deficit reduction package.
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