May 25, 2016

Wyden Calls for Senate to Do Its Job and Take Action on Supreme Court Vacancy

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., in a speech on the Senate floor today called on his colleagues to end months of partisan obstruction and act to fill the Supreme Court vacancy as soon as possible.

“The unanimous position of the majority party is that elections don’t seem to matter, that the rule of force trumps the rule of law and saying “no, we will not” is an acceptable response to being asked to fulfill its constitutional responsibilities,” Wyden said.

“This is not a response worthy of United States Senators. It is choosing party and ideology over the needs of our country, and it is a political choice that many of my colleagues are beginning to understand they cannot afford.  

“No matter the pressure to choose party over country - it is time to do our duty, hold hearings, ask questions, and ultimately vote on this nominee,” Wyden said.

Watch Wyden’s remarks here.
