May 19, 2023

Wyden Calls for Reforms to FISA Surveillance Following Disclosure of New Abuses

Washington, D.C.— U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., released the following statement calling for reforms to FISA surveillance following disclosure of new abuses:

“Yet again, the public is learning about shocking abuses of FISA Section 702, in particular the FBI’s warrantless searches through 702 data for information on Americans. These abuses have been going on for years and despite recent changes in FBI practices, these systematic violations of Americans’ privacy require congressional action. If Section 702 is to be reauthorized, there must be statutory reforms to ensure that the checks and balances are in place to put an end to these abuses.

“I am disappointed at the extent of the redactions in the opinions released today. I will continue to urge the DNI to inform the public about how the government and the FISA Court are interpreting the law. There is important, secret information about how the government has interpreted Section 702 that Congress and the American people need to see before the law is renewed.” 
