January 29, 2018

Wyden Announces Oregon DREAMer as State of the Union Guest

Washington – U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden today announced that Esli Becerra will be his guest at the Jan. 30 State of the Union speech.

Becerra, a 26-year-old visual effects artist in Portland, will be accompanied to Washington, D.C. by his 24-year-old brother Kevin Becerra-Segura. The brothers’ parents brought Esli to the United States from Mexico when he was 8 months old.

Kevin was born in Springfield, Oregon and the brothers grew up in Eugene. Kevin worked to help his brother graduate from Lane Community College, and Esli has in turn helped his brother attend Portland State University where he is now a senior pursuing degrees in criminology, political science and Russian. The brothers both live currently in Portland.

“Esli’s story of success in Oregon and sacrifice for his brother exemplifies how much he and his fellow DREAMers have contributed to our communities and earned an opportunity to stay in the country they know and love,” Wyden said. 

“I am thrilled he will attend the State of the Union speech as my guest to represent the estimated 11,000 DREAMers in Oregon who are counting on Congress to come together in a bipartisan way to find a fair path forward,” he said. “Esli, his brother Kevin and these young people are the real ‘Dream Team’ and I am proud to be their teammate in this fundamental fight for fairness.”

Both brothers credit their parents – who face health challenges – with always stressing the importance of education and contributing to their communities.  

“The United States is the only country I have ever known and I am incredibly grateful for all the opportunity this country has provided me,’’ Esli said. “I love this country and just want to continue contributing to my community, my employer and my family without fear and uncertainty.”

“This country is Esli’s home and we are scared one day that he will wake up and be thrown out to a country he does not know,” Kevin said. “He has worked so hard to give back to our community as well as his family. It would be both cruel and contrary to common sense if the Trump administration and Republicans who control Congress don’t work to provide a permanent solution that allows him and all DREAMers to keep making a positive impact.”