September 16, 2014

Wyden Announces O&C Act Markup

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today secured a commitment to mark up his O&C Act of 2014 in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on November 13.

Energy Committee Chair Senator Mary Landrieu, D-La., issued an announcement Tuesday afternoon that she would hold a markup of a number of public lands bills, leading off with Senator Wyden’s O&C legislation.   

Senator Wyden: “It is terrific news and strong leadership from Senator Landrieu that she is pushing ahead with a markup of this legislation that is so important to Oregon. Despite the short September work session, Senator Landrieu recognized the great importance this legislation has to Oregon and decided to hold the markup when the Senate returns in November.”

“I have made clear that I am pulling out all of the stops to pass this critical legislation to more than double the timber harvest and put Oregonians back to work in the woods,” Wyden continued. “Today’s announcement is another reminder that this bill is the best chance to put O&C forest management back in the hands of foresters, all while locking in ironclad protections for clean water and Oregon’s treasures.”

Senator Wyden’s Oregon and California Lands Act of 2014 represents a science-based approach to managing 2.55 million acres of Oregon and California lands scattered across 18 Oregon counties. Introduced last year with a broad coalition of sportsmen, conservationists, forest products industry representatives and local officials, the bill represents a new opportunity to break the legal gridlock that is projected to mean a sharp decline in O&C harvests in the next decade.

More information about Senator Wyden’s bill is available here.