January 16, 2014

Wyden Announces Hearing on O&C Lands Bill

Bill Offers Science-Based Solution that Doubles Timber Harvest Over the Next Decade, Creates Private-Sector Jobs, and Protects Old Growth and Sensitive Areas

Washington, D.C. – Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., announced the Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a hearing on the O&C Lands Act of 2013 on February 6.

The bill will double the timber harvest on O&C Lands in 18 Oregon counties, giving mills and rural communities a predictable, sustainable source of timber from federal lands. And it uses proven science from two renowned Northwest foresters to design harvests in a way that mimics natural processes, without resorting to clear cuts.

“This bill provides a chance for Oregon to find common ground that saves jobs, protects forests and sets a strong foundation for economic growth in our timber communities,” Wyden said. “No bill or issue in Congress is more important to me than passing the O&C Lands Act into law and creating a long-term solution for rural Oregon.”

In November, Wyden introduced the O&C Lands Act of 2013 with a broad coalition of support, including timber industry leaders, conservationists, local government officials, recreation and hunting groups.

More details about the hearing, including a time and witness list, will be announced at a later date, and posted at www.energy.senate.gov.

To learn more about the O&C Act of 2013, visit Sen. Wyden’s website here