March 22, 2004

Smith-Wyden Bill Means Forestry Revenues Stay Home

Umpqua Forest Property Sale Will Be Used For Local Projects

Washington, DC Today, Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) introduced The Umpqua National Forest Land Management Act which authorizes the sale of certain surplus Umpqua National Forest Service property to exclusively fund the expansion of local U.S. Forest Service facilities and the acquisition of additional tracts of Umpqua National Forest land."Oregonians should see the benefits from the Forest Service land sales in their backyard," said Smith. "This bill enables the Forest Service to better carry out its mission of caring for the land and serving people.""This legislation will protect some of Oregon's most beautiful wilderness, while keeping much-needed revenues at home to benefit Oregonians," said Wyden. "The funds from the sale of administrative buildings will help the U.S. Forest Service better serve the Umpqua National Forest and the Oregonians who rely on it for recreation and jobs."The bill also authorizes a land swap which adjusts the boundary of the Rogue-Umpqua Divide Wilderness Area to exclude 200 feet of the Falcon Creek Road resulting in no net loss from the designated Wilderness Area. The road, built in the late 1960's, borders the Rogue-Umpqua Divide Wilderness Area and is approximately 20 feet within the area designated in 1984. The proposed adjustment will allow forest managers critical increased access to the Umpqua National Forest..