January 20, 2017

Senators Oppose Rushed Confirmation For CIA Nominee

WASHINGTON – Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., today said they oppose a rushed confirmation of Rep. Mike Pompeo to serve as director of the Director of Central Intelligence without senators having the opportunity to debate the nomination.
“No CIA Director in history has ever been confirmed on Inauguration Day.  The importance of the position of CIA Director, especially in these dangerous times, demands that the nomination be thoroughly vetted, questioned and debated. Moreover, the Agency is capable of protecting the nation and serving the president under the leadership of its senior professional personnel.  Certainly the incoming administration acknowledges that this would be consistent with their decision to hold over 50 current administration national security appointees. Our constituents expect Congress to be a check and balance on the incoming administration, not a rubber stamp.”