December 05, 2024

Merkley, Wyden, Hoyle Announce FEMA Funding for Earthquake Resilience in Lane County

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden along with U.S. Representative Val Hoyle announced today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is sending a total of $1,758,536 to fund Lane County’s project to seismically retrofit the Hayden Bridge, a pedestrian bridge in northeast Springfield.

“As I hold a town hall in each of Oregon’s 36 counties every year, I hear firsthand from folks about what matters most to them, including ensuring our communities are prepared should disasters strike,” Merkley said. “Making retrofits to the Hayden Bridge will make the region more resilient by providing safe travel routes in the event of a major earthquake.”

“Keeping Oregonians safe if a big earthquake strikes demands solid infrastructure that in turn requires federal investment,” Wyden said. “I’m glad this pedestrian bridge has secured these federal funds that will help achieve that goal in Lane County, and I’ll keep battling for similar disaster preparation resources for communities across our state.”

"This last year has shown us the value of being prepared when disasters strike,” Hoyle said. “This investment will provide upgrades to Hayden Bridge making it safer for the people of Springfield. I want to thank Senators Merkley and Wyden for their advocacy to ensure Springfield is more resilient when disaster strikes."

These investments will help the Lane County communities of Marcola and Springfield stay connected in emergency situations, as the Hayden Bridge is the primary pedestrian passage route between the two towns. The retrofit is designed to withstand a magnitude 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake, which will help ensure the bridge can continue to be a lifeline for the communities during the aftermath and recovery from a major earthquake.

“We have experienced four federally declared disasters in the last five years,” said Lane County Board of Commissioners Vice Chair David Loveall. “We must continue to be proactive about making improvements to infrastructure – roads, bridges and buildings – so they can continue serve the community no matter what happens. This federal funding will allow us to make major seismic upgrades to Hayden Bridge in northeast Springfield to help protect access to the Mohawk River Valley and its residents in the event of a major earthquake and continue to make sure there are dependable routes to emergency services in those times of crisis.”
