June 29, 2023

Merkley, Wyden Announce Over $800,000 for Access to Safe and Clean Drinking Water in Small, Underserved, and Disadvantaged Communities

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced today that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is awarding $826,000 to the state of Oregon to support projects and activities that will help underserved, small and disadvantaged communities to access and invest in water infrastructure and comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). 

“Water is the elixir of life. Providing access to clean, safe drinking water – particularly in our most vulnerable communities – must continue to be a priority,” said Senator Merkley. “This vital funding and investment in water infrastructure will help to ensure safe drinking water when folks turn on their taps across Oregon. I will continue to do all I can to promote the health and safety of Oregon’s underserved communities.”?

“Clean water is a human right that every Oregonian fully deserves when they turn on the faucet,” Wyden said. “I’m gratified our state has secured this federal investment in helping to making water safe, and especially pleased these resources are targeted to communities facing some of the toughest challenges to ensure a clean water supply.”

The EPA’s Small, Underserved, and Disadvantaged Community grant program awards funding to states and territories to support a broad range of approaches to help communities address drinking water concerns, build the technical, financial, and managerial abilities of a water system’s operations and staff, and move forward with infrastructure projects that support drinking water quality improvements. 

