The Oregon Way

Keep Oregon Verde: Environmental Justice for All

The climate crisis' impact this spring has left much of Oregon unseasonably dry, with communities all over the state preparing for another long and arduous fire season. Oregon doesn't have a second to ...Read More

Building Back Better from the Ground Up

It's been more than a year. More than a year since the fateful day Oregon and the rest of the nation shut down, and we were trapped in our homes. Now with multiple vaccines distributed in communit ...Read More

Stop the Spread of a Virus of Hate

Our country has spent the last year focused on fighting a virus called COVID-19. But there's also a destructive virus that has been circulating long before a pandemic changed our lives: hate. With n ...Read More

A Tale of Two Oregons

My plane touched down at home in PDX on Feb. 14 right as Oregon was experiencing the biggest power outage our state has ever seen. Thousands of Oregonians-including myself-were without power for days, ...Read More

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