Ron tours Woodburn hemp farm

Ron toured a hemp processing facility last week in the Willamette Valley that is among the hundreds of Oregon farms poised to benefit from his bipartisan Hemp Farming Act.

“This bipartisan bill frees farmers to grow hemp to new heights,” Ron said. “Farmers everywhere want to tap into this potential. This is an export market we can get into households and communities all over the world.”

His visit to the Wooden Shoe farm in Woodburn came shortly after the Senate included Ron’s bipartisan hemp legislation in the Farm Bill.

The bipartisan legislation Ron sponsored with fellow Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley and Kentucky Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul redefines hemp as an agricultural commodity and removes it from the list of controlled substances.

Before touring the hemp processing facility at the Woodburn farm, Ron met with businesses using hemp in products like soap, clothes, snowboards and more.

“I’ve long said if you can make it and sell it in Oregon, you should be able to grow it in Oregon,” Ron said. “Our bipartisan, commonsense bill is pro-environment, pro-business and pro-farmer.”