Ron praises Eugene school's innovative work on graduation rates

Ron met last week with students, teachers and administrators at Kalapuya High School in Lane County to praise their innovative work to create alternative graduation paths for teen-agers.

The senator’s meeting comes in the aftermath of his work to add provisions in the Every Student Succeeds Act that provide help to schools needing to lift their graduation rates.

At Kalapuya, Ron heard from students excited about opportunities the school has provided for studying careers, including medical technicians, media and more.

He said those creative new paths are critical to get students excited about learning and help them succeed.

“All of you get an A-plus for showing the country how fresh approaches can help more students graduate from high schools in Oregon and nationwide,” Ron told the students, principal Stefan Aumack and Bethel School District Superintendent Chris Parra.

You are ace-ing an assignment that I believe all schools can achieve -- namely increasing their graduation rates,” he said. As long as higher graduation rates are achieved, the creative strategies are up to the real experts -- all of you.”

Ron visited Kalapuya while he was in Eugene for his Lane County town hall in Cottage Grove.