Ron on Klamath Basin: “We’re going to work hard to find common ground

Ron heard last weekend at his Klamath County town hall and throughout the Klamath Basin about the urgent need to come together to find water solutions that help the tribes, ranchers, farmers, small businesses, fishing families and conservationists.
With low snowpack levels generating community concerns about another devastating drought year, Ron said at the town hall in Klamath Falls that he is committed to finding that Klamath Basin solution.
“We’re going to work hard to find common ground. We need to recognize as a community we are in it together,” he said. “There aren’t going to be any secret deals. There aren’t going to be people left out. We’re going to make sure everybody has a chance to be heard.”
The senator said local rancher Becky Hyde’s comments at the town hall about the importance of “mutual respect” among all those working for a water solution resonates well.
“We’re going to try to make it a black-eye-free zone’” he said, quoting Hyde. “You can’t solve this if you’re just throwing punches and giving people black eyes.”
The town hall came in the wake of his letter with Sen. Jeff Merkley and Rep. Greg Walden to the Interior Department saying they stand ready to work with the department and all parties interested in a long-term solution for the Klamath Basin.
And it came just before Gov. Kate Brown’s drought declaration for the basin.