The defenseless defense of Trumpcare by HHS Secretary Price

Health and Human Secretary Price can't defend the indefensible Trumpcare plan, so he resorts to obfuscation. We tried to clear things up. We annotated his op-ed in the WSJ using Genius. Check it out below or the PDF version here.

an urgent crisis in its health-care system.
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
Costs are skyrocketing and choices are disappearing on the individual and small-group markets.
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
His daughter, who suffers from a rare cardiac condition
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
insurer that plans to pull out of ObamaCare’s exchange in their state next year
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
This year more than 1,000 counties had only one insurer in the ObamaCare market, meaning millions of Americans had no meaningful choice
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
increased premiums for their midlevel plans by an average of 25%. Premiums on the individual market are up about $3,000 since ObamaCare was implemented
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
It is too early to know how much premiums will rise next year, but reports so far indicate that double-digit increases again will be the norm.
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
Candace Fowler, a Missouri homemaker who was recently diagnosed with a serious neurological condition, lives in a county where there are slated to be no insurers selling ObamaCare plans next year. Tommie McClain, a student in Clinton, Mo., who suffers from chronic migraines, faces the possibility of zero choices in his county, too.
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
The bill recently introduced in the Senate would get rid of the individual mandate
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
It would directly repeal some of ObamaCare’s most costly regulations while giving states flexibility to waive others if they develop innovative ways to provide coverage and bring down costs.
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
The Senate’s plan also would repeal hundreds of billions of dollars in onerous taxes
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
put Medicaid on a sustainable spending path and give states a real chance to reform the program to make it work for the people who rely on it.
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
The Trump administration, recognizing the need for urgent action, began offering Americans relief from ObamaCare starting in February.
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
patient-centered health care
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ
Under ObamaCare, insurers are either running for the exit doors or proposing huge premium increases. Americans instead deserve a market where companies clamor to offer competitive plans to as many customers as they can. That is what Congress has the chance to make possible, and it can’t come a day too soon.
? ObamaCare’s Victims Need Relief Now - WSJ