Ron Stands With Planned Parenthood

Ron stands with Planned Parenthood because Planned Parenthood stands with women.

Last weekend, Ron met with advocates and staff at Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Oregon and stressed his steadfast support for the health care provider’s work for accessible, affordable health care access throughout Oregon.

Among Planned Parenthood’s many services the senator spotlighted at a news conference in Medford were offerings ranging from pregnancy tests to prenatal services; HIV tests to cancer screening; testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections to basic physicals; birth control to pediatric care.

What I want to emphasize is how important these constitutionally protected health services are,” Ron said after meeting with officials and supporters of Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Oregon. “Especially in rural Oregon, Planned Parenthood is often the first line of defense for health care services for vulnerable women.”

He added that he will continue to fight against any effort in Congress to limit funding for Planned Parenthood so that the millions of Americans – and tens of thousands of Oregonians -- counting on Planned Parenthood can know its essential services will remain.

I just want Oregonians to know that on my watch, I’m going to do everything I can to protect these services and ensure they are available in our state,” he said.

Over the weekend, Ron and Sen. Jeff Merkley also met with students at Franklin High School in Portland to discuss their work to make college more affordable.

And Ron held town halls in Columbia, Yamhill and Benton counties.