Ron Celebrates Memorial Day with Veterans and their Families

Ron celebrated Memorial Day in southern Oregon by thanking veterans and their families because the best way to honor those who have fallen in service is to stand with all veterans who have returned home.

When it comes to honoring those who gave their lives to protect all we hold dear, there isn’t a Democratic way or a Republican way,” Ron said at Memorial Day ceremonies in Central Point and Eagle Point. “There’s an Oregon way, an American way.”

This commitment in large part means providing the necessary funding and support for veterans programs to help servicemembers make the transition home to civilian life,” he said. “America owes these service members a great debt. It is a debt we can never repay, but we must never stop trying.”

He noted at the Memorial Day ceremonies how striking it is driving throughout Oregon counties how many of the welcome signs make a special note to honor veterans.

And he spoke of how he recently witnessed the way that commitment to honoring veterans plays out throughout Oregon. He had gone to Portland International Airport last month to welcome home from Washington DC an “Honor Flight” of World War II veterans. When word spread throughout the airport that the veterans were coming home, he said, airport travelers young and old lined up to salute the veterans and to cheer for them.

It’s always important to remember the debt paid by servicemembers and their loved ones.” he said. “As we remember the veterans of the ‘Greatest Generation,’ let’s also turn our thoughts to our brothers and sisters and sons and daughters. They’ve given their lives in Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world."

“On this Memorial Day, let us honor all those whose lives were cut all too short in defense of our values and our country,” he said. “And let us keep faith with the families they leave behind and ensure their loved ones are cared for and supported.”