Listening to Oregonians: from National Guard soldiers to small business owners to students

Senator Wyden spent Memorial Day honoring the fallen at the Central Point Fallen War Heroes Memorial and Eagle Point National Cemetery. Memorial Day is also the opportunity to recommit to America’s veterans who returned home and soldiers who are serving today. In Idaho, Ron met with Oregon National Guard Soldiers at Gowen Field training for their deployment to Afghanistan – a reminder of the continued sacrifices of our service-members and their families.

Across the state he visited with Oregon small businesses including Tap and Growler in Eugene, The Thicket in Ukiah, and the 142-year-old Butte Creek Mill in Eagle Point. And larger Oregon businesses too – like Johnson Crushers International where Senator Wyden talked about creating Oregon manufacturing jobs and the urgent need to find a long-term solution to fund America’s highways – especially important in Oregon where roads and ports are key to the economy.

At the Multnomah County Library, Ron was honored to accept the Oregon Library Association’s 2014 Intellectual Freedom Champion of the Year award for his fight against mass surveillance and to preserve a free and open Internet. Afterwards, Senator Wyden held a discussion on privacy and the importance of net neutrality – the freedom to compete online – for Oregon businesses like Strapworks that he visited in Eugene last week.

Ron also held his annual Harney, Grant, Umatilla and Morrow County town halls and continued his #ListeningToTheFuture tour hearing from students Bridlemile Elementary and Riverdale High School.

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