An Alaskan Adventure

This past week, Senator Wyden travelled up to Alaska where he toured several of Alaska’s energy projects and spoke of the need for comprehensive tax reform with Alaskan Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mark Begich.

First, was an energy tour on the invitation of Senator Murkowski, a colleague and top-ranking Republican on the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.  Stops on the tour included the Chena Renewable Energy Fair, a geothermal plant at Chena Hot Springs, a liquefied natural gas terminal in Kenai, and an offshore oil platform in Cook Inlet.

Next up Senator Wyden and Senator Begich toured the Fire Island Wind Project in Anchorage and celebrated UPS’s 105th Birthday with a tour of their planes and facilities. The trip ended with Senator Wyden and Senator Begich talking about their Bipartisian Tax Fairness and Simplification Act on the Mike Porcaro show and at a roundtable hosted by the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation.

"This has been helpful," Wyden said of the trip, his first in Alaska focused on energy issues. "Alaska has been a major energy producer for decades and it’s now in transition to new energy opportunities including natural gas and renewable energy.  Senator Murkowski and Senator Begich showed me firsthand how energy independence and creating more good-paying jobs go hand in hand."
