August 04, 2009

Wyden Statement on NOAA Decision to Move Fleet to Newport

Washington, D.C. Oregon Senator Ron Wyden issued the following statement today on the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration's selection of the Port of Newport (Oregon) to be the new home of the agency's Marine Operations Center-Pacific beginning in 2011.

"This was the right decision for NOAA, for Oregon and for the port and community of Newport. It is also a tremendous compliment to those at the Port of Newport and other elected officials in the community who worked tirelessly to convince federal officials that Newport would be the best home for the NOAA fleet.

Bringing the NOAA fleet to the Central Oregon coast will provide a much-needed economic boost to the region. Newport's close proximity to the Pacific Ocean means that NOAA will have fast, cost-saving access to the open ocean that will maximize the fleet's time at sea and reduce future costs and easy access to all the complimentary research facilities already housed at Newport."

NOAA Selects Newport, Ore.

As New Home of Marine Operations Center-Pacific

NOAA has selected the Port of Newport, Ore. to be the new home of the agency's Marine Operations Center-Pacific beginning in 2011 pending the signing of a 20-year lease.

NOAA selected the site following a rigorous process involving an extensive review of proposals submitted by sites in Washington and Oregon, both of which are centrally located for all NOAA ship operations on the West Coast. The current lease expires on June 30, 2011.

"NOAA is committed to providing the highest level of science, service and value to the nation," said Rear Adm. Jonathan W. Bailey, director of the NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations and the NOAA Corps. "We look forward to reuniting NOAA's West Coast research ships and support personnel at one facility and being an active part of the community."

Considerations in selecting the site included NOAA's infrastructure needs, proximity to maritime industry resources and NOAA labs, quality of life for civilian employees, officers and crew, the ability to meet the desired occupancy date of July 2011 in addition to lease cost.

NOAA's requirements for the new site include office and warehouse space, berthing for the four NOAA ships homeported at the NOAA Marine Operations Center-Pacific and up to two visiting ships, and LEED-certified, environmentally sustainable main buildings. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, provides a suite of standards for environmentally sustainable construction.

The NOAA Marine Operations Center-Pacific is comprised of approximately 175 employees, including more than 110 officers and crew assigned to the NOAA ships McArthur II, Miller Freeman, Rainier and Bell M. Shimada, a new fisheries survey vessels expected to join the NOAA fleet in 2010.

The NOAA fleet of vessels and aircraft is operated, managed and maintained by the NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations, which includes civilians and officers of the NOAA Corps. The NOAA Corps is one of the nation's seven uniformed services. Its commissioned officers have degrees in engineering, science or mathematics and provide NOAA with an important blend of technical, operational and leadership skills at sea, in the air and in program offices throughout the nation.

NOAA understands and predicts changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the oceans to the surface of the sun, and conserves and manages our coastal and marine resources. Visit

On the Web:

NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations:

NOAA Corps: