Ron to UO Law Graduates: 'The power of one voice to make change is extraordinary'

As a proud 1974 graduate of the University of Oregon Law School, Ron told the newest class of graduates on Saturday that each should always feel confident they can make a difference.

There are going to be times when you are going to become frustrated because life always has an unexpected setback ... and a sense that your voice really does not matter,” Ron told the class of 2016. “But my message is simply this: the power of one voice to make change is extraordinary.”

He cited these examples of three special Oregonians he has known to illustrate that message:

  • Jean Beachdel, who the senator met shortly after he graduated from law school in 1974. He spoke of her ability to battle successfully back then in Lane County for senior citizens’ legal rights (work that she continues today) as an example of how you don’t need to wait until you are 40 to spark a movement.

  • John Dickas, whose diligence and smarts working for Ron on the Senate Intelligence Committee has protected Americans’ liberty and security. Ron said his work behind the scenes demonstrates you don’t need an election certificate to be a powerful voice.

  • The late Wayne Morse, whose courage standing up in the U.S. Senate as an early foe of the Vietnam War to say the “emperor has no clothes” proves the need to never be afraid to speak out about what’s right.

Each of you has the power to be any and all of these voices,” Ron told the graduates. “And it’s my hope that you take advantage of what you have learned here in law school to be those voices.”

To listen to Ron’s remarks, click here or listen below.